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미친 듯이 일하는 윤리 - 코비 브라이언트 동기 부여 영상 :: ChatGPT 정리 본문

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미친 듯이 일하는 윤리 - 코비 브라이언트 동기 부여 영상 :: ChatGPT 정리

Banjubu 2023. 3. 15. 09:19

> English Summary

> English Full Text

INSANE WORK ETHIC - Kobe Bryant Motivational Video



[ 요약 ]

팀의 리더로써 나머지 팀원들을 발전시키는 것 역시 나의 책임입니다.
그들이 더 나아지길 원하는 감정적인 상태에 이르게 해야 합니다.
그들이 매일 아침 일어나서 자신의 최고 버전이 되기 위해 자극받게 해야 합니다.
연습 시간은 동료들을 이끌고 도전할 수 있는 기회입니다.

하지만 이 때 각 팀원을 잘 알아야 합니다.
늦게까지 연습 후 다음 날 연습이 예정된 상황에서는, 모든 팀원이 너무 많은 운동량을 원하지 않을 수 있습니다.
각각을 개인적으로 알아야 하며, 그들의 신경을 자극할 수 있는 지점을 알아야 합니다.

연습을 더 강도 높게 하면 게임을 더 쉽게 이길 수 있습니다.
노력하고 배우고 흡수하는 것이 가치를 증명하는 가장 좋은 방법입니다.
가능한 최대로 열심히 일해야 합니다.
자신이 생각하는 것보다 더 열심히 일할 수 있습니다.

경쟁적인 대결이 있는 스포츠에서 경쟁심, 노력과 호기심이 중요합니다.
게임을 분석하고 질문을 하며 배우는 것이 중요합니다.
꿈을 꾸며 시각화하는 것이 중요합니다.
그리고 진짜로 노력하는 것이 중요합니다.
무엇보다도 남김없이 노력하는 것이 중요합니다.

20년 동안 매일 조금씩 발전해 나가면, 어떻게 될까요?
모든 것을 배울 수 있는 태도를 가지면 세상이 당신의 도서관이 됩니다.
나는 모든 것을 배우기 위해 노력했습니다.
게임이 최우선이었습니다.
모든 것을 배우기 위해 TV 프로그램, 책, 사람들과 대화하며 노력했습니다.
모든 것이 배울 수 있는 도서관이 된 것입니다.

끝으로, 가족들과의 대화를 통해 자신의 일과 목표를 공유하고, 서로의 노력과 역할을 인정해야 합니다.
모든 것에 균형감을 가지며, 가족과의 소통과 노력을 잊지 말아야 합니다.




[ 한글 전체 ]

팀의 리더는 나머지 팀원들의 사기를 높여야 할 책임도 있습니다.
팀원들이 감정적으로 더 나아지고 싶어하도록 만들어야 합니다.
팀원들이 매일 아침 일어나 최고의 자신이 되고자 하는
최고의 자신이 되기 위해 노력하게 만들어야 합니다.
실제로 제게는 아이들을 자극하고 도전할 수 있는 기회였습니다.
그리고 바로 이 지점에서 팀원들을 잘 알아야 합니다.
늦으면 연달아 연습을 해야 하고, 다음 날 연습이 있으면 바로 나타나면 되니까요.
그러면 팀원들은 연습을 하고 싶지 않고, 연습하고 싶지 않아요.
한 명 한 명을 개별적으로, 개인적으로 아는 것이 중요합니다.
그래야 어떤 신경을 건드려야 하는지 알 수 있으니까요.
연습이 더 강렬하고 힘들면 7차전이 더 힘들고 7차전이 쉬워질 것입니다.
하지만 그렇지 않다면 그때부터 팀들은 경기장에 들어가기 시작합니다.
자신의 가치를 증명하는 가장 좋은 방법은 일하고, 배우고, 흡수하고, 스펀지가 되는 것이라고 생각합니다.
여러분은 항상 자신의 잠재력을 뛰어넘기를 원합니다.
자신이 일할 수 있다고 믿는 만큼 그보다 더 열심히 일할 수 있습니다.
저도 처음 리그에 들어왔을 때 그렇게 하려고 노력했지만 농구는 직접적인 경쟁 스포츠입니다.
그 경쟁심, 직업 윤리, 호기심.
저는 질문을 많이 했고, 항상 앉아서 제가 어렸을 때 공부했던 특정 경기에 대해 질문하곤 했어요.
실제로 어떤 일이 일어났고, 어떤 느낌을 받았으며, 그 이유는 무엇인가요?
어렸을 때 항상 100점 만점에 80점이나 90점을 받을 수 있기를 꿈꿨어요.
항상 꿈을 꿨어요.
가끔 침대에 누워서 상상을 하기도 해요.
레이커스 유니폼을 입고 뛰는 상상을 하기도 하고요.
우리가 경기하는 모습과 경기장 냄새 등 모든 것을 상상하죠.
그리고 제 자신이 뜨거워지는 모습을 상상하죠.
그래서 계속 꿈을 꾸고 또 꾸고 또 꾸죠.
그리고 잠들기 전에는 120점 정도는 돼요.
그래서 커서 그 꿈을 계속 머릿속에 다운로드하면
그해 여름엔 하루에 천 번을 찍었어요
천 번이요
그냥 찍은 게 아니었어요.
게임에서 본 장면도 있었죠.
특정 장면이 있었어요.
코너에서 나와서 핀치 포스트로 가고 포스트에서 풋워크를 하고
스크린을 벗어나고
매우 구체적이었죠.
그걸 시스템에 다운로드해서 코트에 나가면
수천 번도 더 해본 동작을 실행하고 있을 때
그런 꿈을 꾸게 되면 그게 가능해지죠.
루디는 제가 어렸을 때 가장 좋아하는 영화 중 하나였습니다.
그 영화를 보고 나니 나도 매일 그렇게 열심히 일할 수 있을까 하는 생각이 들었어요,
저렇게 열심히 일할 수 있다면 제 커리어는 어떻게 될까요?
그리고 그날부터 매일 그렇게 열심히 일해야겠다고 스스로에게 약속했어요,
은퇴했을 때 후회하지 않도록요
그리고 그것이 저에게 가장 중요한 것이었습니다,
매일 매일 더 나아지는 거죠.
그렇게 살다 보면 시간이 지나면 아름다운 무언가를 갖게 될 거라고 생각했어요.
그게 제 철학이고 아주 단순한 것 같지만,
매일 매일 더 나아지기 위해 살면
20년 동안 그렇게 하면 뭐가 남을까요?
저에게는 농구가 가장 중요했어요. 
그래서 제가 본 모든 것, TV 프로그램, 읽은 책,
대화하는 사람들, 모든 것이 더 나은 농구 선수가 되는 방법을 배우기 위한 것이었습니다.
모든 것이요.
모든 것이요.
그런 관점을 가지면 말 그대로 세상이 도서관이 되고
더 나은 선수가 되는 데 도움이 되죠.
13살 때 저는 13살 때 너보다 더 잘하는 것이 목표가 아니었기 때문에 더 긴 게임을 했어요.
실제로 칩이 걸려 있을 때 당신보다 더 나은 사람이 되는 것이 목표였죠.
그래서 13살 때 게임을 할 때 저는 당신의 강점과 약점이 무엇인지 파악했습니다.
게임에 어떻게 접근하나요?
당신은 바보 같은가요?
어리버리한 편인가요?
다른 사람보다 덩치가 크고 힘이 세서 잘하는 건가요?
아니면 실제로 전투 기술이 있어서 그런 건가요?
그리고 경기를 할 때는 제 약점을 이용했어요.
여름 농구는 경기가 너무 많거든요.
그래서 기술 연습을 많이 할 수 없죠.
그럼 언제쯤 나아질 수 있을까요?
시합 상황에서는 자신의 강점만 발휘하게 되죠.
왜 그럴까요?
이기고 싶기 때문이죠.
그래서 경기 중에 제가 약했던 부분을 집중적으로 연습했죠.
왼손, 포스트 게임, 풀업, 점프슛 등요.
그래서 전략이 생겼죠.
그러다 17살이 됐을 때 제 게임은 완전히 다재다능해졌죠,
13살 때 봤던 그 선수는 17살이 되어서도 여전히 똑같이 하고 있어요.
이제 문제가 생겼습니다.
많은 선수들이 친한 다른 선수들과 함께 휴가를 떠나는 것을 봅니다.
그냥 휴가를 가거나 그냥 놀기 위해서요.
저는 그런 적이 없어요.
왜 그렇게 하지 않으셨나요?
은퇴할 때 이런 말을 하고 싶지 않았기 때문이죠,
더 많이 했으면 좋았을 텐데
그런 말은 하고 싶지 않아요.
시즌마다 경기를 개선하기 위해 어떤 요소를 고려하셨나요?
게임 자체가 복잡한 문제였어요.
풋워크와 코트의 지오메트리 측면에서 매우 전술적인 것들이 있습니다.
코트를 보고 45도 각도로 코트의 모양을 보고
그리고 어떻게 운영되어야 하는지도요.
그것이 한 가지 요소입니다.
따라서 바닥에서 효율성을 높일 수 있는 지점을 찾아야 합니다.
윙에 있을 수도 있지만, 윙에 바스켓으로 향하는 각도를 개선할 수 있는 특정 지점이 있습니다.
그런 것들이죠.
상대의 풋워크, 상대의 감정, 성향과 약점 등 모든 것을 살펴보는 것이죠.
경기의 모멘텀을 이해하고 모멘텀 전환을 만드는 방법,
기세 전환이 어디에서 오는지, 이런 모든 것들을요.
그리고 그 밖의 공부도 해야 하죠? 다른 산업을 살펴보고, 지휘자를 살펴보고,
작가, 배우를 보고 그들이 어떻게 캐릭터에 몰입하는지,
그리고 그들이 그 정신적 공간에서 어떻게 자신을 유지하는지를요.
그래서 다른 산업을 보고, 자연 자체를 보고,
거기서 배우고 그것을 게임에 어떻게 접목할 수 있을지 고민합니다.
정말 공부가 많네요.
아내와 아이들과는 어떤 대화를 통해 내가 하고 있는 일을 설명하나요?
대화는 어땠나요?
글쎄요, 아이들과는 좀 달라요.
아이들과의 대화는 아빠가 열심히 일하고 있다는 것이죠.
모든 일에 세심한 주의를 기울여야 한다는 것이죠.
그래서 본보기가 되는 거죠.
제 아내도 마찬가지입니다.
아내는 전업주부입니다.
아내가 가장 힘들어하는 일이죠.
그래서 정말 열심히 일하죠.
그래서 아내가 집안일을 꼼꼼히 챙기는 모습은 아이들에게도 본보기가 됩니다.
그리고 제 아내도 저만큼이나 경쟁심이 강하죠.
아내는 이렇게 말하죠, 남편이 하루에 8시간씩 훈련할 거면
1년 중 9개월을 가족과 떨어져 지내려면
우승하는 게 좋을 거예요
하지만 균형을 잡아야 합니다.
중요한 것은 우리가 많은 에너지를 가지고 있어야 한다는 것을 이해하는 것입니다.
나탈리아와 지아나는 아기였을 때
특히 나탈리아는 전성기였으니까요.
연습에 가서 훈련하고 경기를 하고 집에 돌아오면 몸이 쑤시고 피곤하죠.
그리고 수영하러 가고 싶다고 하더군요.
공원에 데려가 달라고 하죠.
제 등에 올라타고 싶다고 하기도 하고요.
너무 피곤하다고 말할 수 없어요.
그건 불공평해요
걘 무슨 일인지도 모르잖아.
이게 게임이었다면 넌 참으면서 놀았겠지.
난 독감에 걸려도 게임을 해
난 102도 열이 나는데도 게임을 한다고요
넌 그럴 수 없어
정말 강력하네요
꼭 해야 해요
가끔은 비행기를 타고 돌아오기도 했어요 
딸의 생일을 놓치지 않기 위해 게임을 하는 것처럼요.
비행기를 타고 돌아와서 딸의 생일에 참석하고 팀원들과 함께 다시 비행기를 타고 돌아와서
놓치지 않으려고요.
모범을 보여야 합니다.
부모님들이 먼저 모범을 보여야 합니다.
자녀가 인생에서 이루고 싶은 것이 무엇이든 하기를 원한다면,
보여줘야 합니다.
그럴 수 없습니다.
보여줘야 합니다.
저도 그렇게 하려고 노력했어요.
내면의 경쟁심은 '안 돼요,
앞으로 20년 동안은 지난 20년보다 더 나은
지난 20년보다 더 나은 무언가를 할 거라고요.
지금 제가 해야 할 일은 우리가 영입하는 사람들이
우리가 데려온 사람들, 우리가 데려온 강박증 환자들이
스스로 도전하고
그들이 할 수 있다고 생각하는 최고의 일을 하도록 하는 것입니다.
그게 제가 하는 일입니다.
그들이 끊임없이 거울을 보고 자기 평가를 하고
스스로 도전할 수 있도록요.
어떤 프로젝트가 생겼을 때 '그래, 나도 할 수 있어,
그건 우리가 원하는 프로젝트가 아닙니다.
'저걸 애니메이션으로 만들 수 있을지 모르겠어요.
그 스토리를 어떻게 써야 할지 모르겠어요.
어떻게 해야 할지 모르겠어요.
우리가 원하는 건 바로 그런 것들입니다.
그 호기심을 통해 불가능하다고 생각했던 수준까지
도달할 수 있기 때문입니다.
채용 방식은 어떻게 되나요?
저와 함께 앉아있다면 저는 여러분이 정말 원하는 사람입니다,
저를 팀에 합류시키고 싶으시겠죠.
리크루팅에 대한 접근 방식은 무엇인가요?
1등을 원한다면 저와 함께 플레이하세요.
2등을 원하면 다른 곳으로 가세요.
목재 정신이란 간단히 말해
자신의 최고 버전이 되려고 노력하는 것입니다.
그게 바로 이 멘탈리티의 의미입니다.
매일 더 나은 사람이 되기 위해 노력한다는 뜻입니다.
끊임없는 탐구입니다. 무한한 탐구입니다.
그래서 두 살 때부터 게임을 처음 시작했을 때부터
저는 항상 질문을 던졌습니다.
매일매일 더 나아지려고 노력했죠.
두 살 때 농구공을 드리블할 수 있었죠.
집에 있는 농구대에서 농구 슛을 던질 수 있었죠.
그리고 아버지와 함께 연습하러 가곤 했죠.
아버지를 지켜보곤 했죠.
아버지와 함께 앉아서 경기를 보곤 했죠.
끊임없이 배울 점을 찾았죠.
저는 관찰력이 뛰어납니다.
가장 큰 두려움은 자기 자신이라고 생각해요
우리 모두는 꿈이 있고
그리고 때때로 자신이 가진 꿈을 받아들이는 것은
받아들이는 것이 매우 무섭거든요.
그러니 여전히 '그래, 난 그걸 원해'라고 말해야 합니다.
무서운 이유는 당신이 두려워하기 때문입니다.
마음과 영혼을 다 바쳤는데 실패하면
자신에 대해 어떻게 느끼실 건가요?
따라서 두려움 없이 도전한다는 것은
그리고 그것을 위해 나아가는 것을 의미합니다.
무슨 일이 있어도 도전하세요.
다른 누구를 위해서가 아니라 자신을 위해서요.
제 목표는 나이가 들면서 크게 바뀌었습니다.
어렸을 때는 최고가 되고 싶다고 말했죠.
그런데 지금은 인생을 살면서 하는 모든 일이
최고가 되고, 최고가 되고, 최고가 되려고 노력하죠.
그리고 나이가 들면서
피상적인 것임을 깨닫게 되죠.
그리고 모든 사람은 그것에 대해 다른 의견을 가지고 있습니다.
무엇을 하든 마찬가지죠.
20번의 우승을 해도 누가 최고인지에 대해서는
누가 최고인지에 대해.
모두가 다른 의견을 가지고 있죠.
그래서 저는 정말 이해하기 시작했어요
그게 중요한 게 아닐 수도 있다는 걸요.
중요한 것은 팀으로서 어떻게 성장할 것인가가 아닐까?
어떻게 하면 팀원들이 더 나은 사람이 될 수 있도록 도울 수 있을까요?
그게 제게 첫 번째 변화였습니다.
그리고 나이가 들면서
어떻게 하면 다른 사람들이 스스로를 찾도록
영감을 주는 것이 더 중요해졌죠.
그것이 바로 궁극적인 우승입니다.
다섯 번의 우승 중 한 번은 대단한 일이죠.
올해 또 다른 팀이 우승했습니다.
내년에 우승한 팀도 있고요.
그런 것들은 왔다가 사라지죠.
남는 것은 열정을 어떻게 사용하느냐입니다.
다른 사람에게 영감을 불어넣어
영감을 주는 것입니다. 
그런 다음 다음 사람에게 어떻게 전달할 수 있을까요?
그것이 진정한 성공입니다.
꿈은 순수해야 합니다.
우리가 이 세상에 태어날 때 많은 경우
거꾸로 가는 경우가 많다고 생각합니다.
그리고 우리가 성숙할수록
꿈에 대한 책임감도 커지는 것 같아요.
우리 스스로에게 더 많은 통제를 가할수록
꿈을 꾸는 능력도 커집니다.
그러니 한계나 기대치를 뛰어넘는 것은
한계나 기대치를 뛰어넘는 것이 아닙니다.
그것은 정말로 꿈을 지키는 문제입니다,
상상력을 보호하는 것입니다.
그것이 정말 핵심입니다.
그렇게 하면 세상은 무한해 보입니다.




[ English Summary ]

As the leader of the team, it's also my responsibility to develop the rest of the team.
I need to get them to an emotional state where they want to be better.
I need to get them excited to get up every morning and become the best version of themselves.
Practice time is your chance to lead and challenge your coworkers.

But you need to know each team member well.
If you're running late and have a practice scheduled for the next day, not every team member may want too much exercise.
You need to get to know each of them personally, and know where you can get on their nerves.

The more intense the practice, the easier it is to win the game.
Working, learning, and absorbing is the best way to prove your worth.
You need to work as hard as you can.
You can work harder than you think you can.

Competitiveness, hard work, and curiosity are important in sports where there is a competitive showdown.
It's important to analyze the game, ask questions, and learn.
It's important to dream and visualize.
And it's important to really try.
Most of all, it's important to keep trying.

If you improve a little bit every day for 20 years, guess what?
When you have the attitude that you can learn everything, the world becomes your library.
I tried to learn everything.
Games were my first priority.
I watched TV shows, read books, and talked to people to learn everything.
Everything became a library to learn from.

Finally, you need to talk to your family, share your work and goals, and recognize each other's efforts and roles.
Have a balance in everything, and don't forget to communicate and work hard with your family.

[ English Full Text ]

As a leader of a team, it's also your responsibility to elevate the rest of the guys.
You have to get them emotionally to want to be better.
You have to get them to an emotional space where they wake up every morning
driven to be the best version of themselves.
And in practice, for me, it was a chance to drive them, to challenge them.
And this is where you have to know your teammates.
Because if it's late, you just have to back to back, and we had practice the next day, and you show up.
Guys don't feel like going through the motions, don't feel like practicing.
It's important to know each and every one of them individually, personally.
Because then you know what nerve to touch.
And if practice is more intense and harder, then a game seven will be, and a game seven will be easy.
But if it's not, then that's when teams start folding into pitch.
I think the best way to prove your value is to work, is to learn, is to absorb, to be a sponge.
You always want to outwork your potential.
As hard as you believe you can work, you can work harder than that.
And that's what I try to do when I first came in the league, but basketball is such a direct competition sport.
That competitive nature, the work ethic, and curiosity.
Because I asked a lot of questions, and we always sit down and just ask questions about certain games that I've studied growing up.
What actually happened, and what did you feel, and why?
I always dreamed as a kid that, you know, it was possible to score an 80 or 90 per hundred.
I always just like, you know, had a dream.
Sometimes we lay down in bed and visualize things.
I'd imagine playing through the Lakers, and I'd imagine what the uniforms look like.
I'd imagine we would be playing, the smell of the arena and all sort of stuff.
And I would see myself, you know, getting hot.
So you just keep dreaming and dreaming and dreaming.
And before I go to sleep, I'm like at 120 points, you know.
And so, when you grow up, downloading that into your brain over and over and over,
and then, you know, that summer, I made a thousand shots a day.
A thousand.
There weren't just shots.
There were shots that you saw in that game.
There were specific shots.
I mean, it's coming out of the corner, going to the pinch post, footwork in the post,
coming off the screen.
It was very specific.
So when you download that into your system and you grow out in court,
and you're just executing things that you've done thousands of times before,
and you have that dream, then that becomes possible.
Rudy was one of my favorite films growing up.
After watching that film, I come to understand if I could work that hard every day,
being blessed with the physical tools that I have, what would my career be?
And I made a promise to myself from that day that I was going to work that hard every single day,
so that when I do retire, I have no regrets.
And that was the most important thing for me, is to leave no stone unturned,
get better every single day.
And if I lived that way, then over time, I'd have something that was beautiful.
That was my philosophy, and it seems like a pretty simple one,
but if you live your life to just get better every single day,
then do that for 20 years, and what do you have?
A basketball for me was the most important thing.
So everything I saw, whether it was TV shows, whether it was books I read,
people I talked to, everything was done to try to learn how to become a better basketball player.
And when you have that point of view, then literally the world becomes your library
to help you to become better at your craft.
At 13 years old, I played the longer game, because my game wasn't about being better than you at 13.
It was to be better than you when the chips are really on the line.
So when you played at 13, I would size you up and see what your strengths and weaknesses are.
How do you approach the game?
Are you silly about it?
Are you goofy about it?
Are you good at it just because you're bigger and stronger than everybody else?
Or is there actually a fighting skill that you put into it?
And when I'd play, I'd play to my weaknesses.
Because when you're playing summer basketball, there's so many games.
So there's not a lot of skill work being done.
So when are you going to get better?
When you're playing in competition situations, you're only playing to your strengths.
Because you want to win.
So what I would do, I would work on the things during those games that I was weak at.
Left hand, post game, pull-up, jump shot.
So I have a strategy.
So then fast forward to when I'm 17, and my game is completely well-rounded,
and that player at 13, that I saw at 13, is still doing the same as at 17.
Now you've got a problem.
I see a lot of players take vacations with other players that are close friends.
It's just to take vacations or just hang out, just to hang out.
I never did that.
Why didn't you do that?
Well, because when I retire, I didn't want to have to say,
I wish I would have done more.
I don't want that.
What were some of the factors you looked at on how to improve your game season after season?
The game itself was a complicated answer.
So there are very tactical things in terms of footwork and geometry of the court.
So you're looking at the court, and looking at the 45-degree angles that the court is shaped at,
and how it needs to operate.
That's one component to it.
So looking at spots on the floor where you can increase your efficiency.
You can be on the wing, but there's a certain spot on the wing that improves your angle to drive to the basket.
So that sort of stuff.
Footwork of the opposition, looking at the emotion of the opposition, their tendencies and weaknesses and all that stuff.
Understanding the momentum of the game, how to create momentum shifts,
where momentum shifts come from, all this sort of stuff.
And then studying outside of that, right? Looking at different industries, looking at conductors,
looking at writers, looking at actors, and how they get into character,
and then how they keep themselves in that mental space.
So looking at different industries, looking at nature itself,
and learning from that, and how you can incorporate that into the game.
Man, it's a lot of studying.
What is the conversation like with your wife and kids to say, listen, this is what I'm doing.
How did that conversation go?
Well, with the kids, it's different.
So like, the communication with our children is that Pops is working hard.
This is the level of attention to detail you need to have in everything you do.
So it's set in the example.
Same thing with my wife.
My wife's a stay-at-home wife.
It's her hardest job, man.
So she works really hard at that.
I mean, it's, you know, so her attention to detail with that as well are examples for our children.
And then for my wife, it's, you know, she's as competitive as I am.
She's just like, listen, man, if you're going to be out here training eight hours a day,
if you're going to spend nine months out a year away from your family,
you better win the championship.
But it's a balancing act.
And that's the thing that's important is understanding that we have to have so much energy
because for like Natalia and Gianna when they were babies,
especially Natalia because she was doing prime years.
And I go to practice and I train and I play the game and I come home and I'd be sore and I'd be tired.
And she wants to go swimming.
She wants me to take her to the park.
She wants to just jump on my back or whatever the case may be.
You can't say, I'm too tired.
I'm going to lay down.
That's not fair.
She don't know what the hell's going on.
If this was a game, you'd suck it up and play.
I play games with the flu.
I play games with 102 degree fever, man.
You can't do that.
That is so powerful.
You got to be on, man.
Sometimes I'd fly back.
Like I'd play a game to not miss my daughter's birthday.
I'd fly back, be there for her birthday and then fly back with the team
just to make sure I don't miss anything.
You got to lead by example.
Parents, you got to lead by example.
If you want your kids to do whatever it is they want to accomplish in life,
you got to show them.
You can't.
You got to show them.
That's what I tried to do.
Competitiveness inside was like, no,
I'm going to do something in the next 20 years
that is better than these last 20.
What I have to do now is make sure that
the people that we bring in, these obsessives that we bring in
are challenging themselves
to do the best job that they think they can do.
That's what I'm there for.
For them to constantly look in the mirror and self-assess
and challenge themselves.
If we have a project and you're saying, okay, I can do that,
that's not the project we want.
The projects that say, I don't know if I can animate that.
I don't know how to write that story.
I don't know how to do that.
Those are the things we want
because through that curiosity you'll reach a level
that you didn't think was possible.
What is your recruiting approach?
So if you're sitting down with me, I'm somebody you really want,
you really want me on the team.
What's your approach to recruiting?
You want first place, come play with me.
You want second place, go somewhere else.
Lumber mentality simply means
trying to be the best version of yourself.
That's what the mentality means.
It means every day you're trying to become better.
It's a constant quest. It's an infinite quest.
So starting at the age of two when I first started playing the game
on and on and on, I always asked questions.
I always tried to get better every single day.
At two, I could dribble a basketball on.
I could shoot a basketball on a nerve hoop at the house.
And I would go to practice with my father.
I would observe my father.
I'd sit and watch games with him.
I just constantly looked for things to learn from.
I'm very observant.
I think the greatest fear you face is yourself
because we all have dreams
and it's very scary sometimes to accept
the dream that you have.
So you're still to say, okay, I want that.
It's scary because you're afraid that
if you put your heart and soul into it and you fail
then how are you going to feel about yourself?
So being fearless means putting yourself out there
and going for it.
No matter what, go for it.
Not for anybody else, but for yourself.
My goal is change drastically as I got older.
It's like as a kid I said I want to be the best ever.
And now you go through your life and everything you do
is trying to be the best ever, be the best ever, be the best ever.
And as you get older you start understanding
that those things are very superficial things.
And everybody has a different opinion about it.
No matter what you do.
Even when 20 championships is always an opinion
on who's the best.
Everybody has different opinions.
And so I started really kind of understanding
maybe it's not the important thing.
Maybe the important thing is how do we as a team grow?
How do I help my teammates be better?
So that was the first change for me.
And then as I got older still
it became more about how are you inspiring others
to find themselves.
That is the ultimate championship.
So one in five championships, that's great.
Another team won a championship this year.
Teams won a championship next year.
Those things come and they go.
What it stays is how do you use your passion
and use that to inspire somebody else
to create their passion.
And then how can they pass that on to the next person?
That is true success.
Dreams that should be pure.
I think a lot of times when we're born into this world
we actually wind up going backwards.
And it seems like the more we mature
the more responsible our dreams become.
The more governors we put on ourselves
and our ability to dream.
So it's not a matter of pushing beyond
the limitations or expectations.
It's really a matter of protecting your dreams,
protecting your imagination.
That's really the key.
And when you do that, then the world just seems limitless.


