반업주부의 일상 배움사

당신은 느리지 않아요: 20분 만에 스피드 학습자 되기 :: ChatGPT 정리 본문

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당신은 느리지 않아요: 20분 만에 스피드 학습자 되기 :: ChatGPT 정리

Banjubu 2023. 3. 15. 08:44

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You're Not Slow: Become a Speed Learner in 20 Minutes



[ 요약 ]

학습 방법을 알고 있는 것은 삶에서 중요한 기술이지만, 실제로는 가르쳐주지 않는 경우가 많습니다. 또한, 사물을 이해하는 속도가 지능의 척도로 여겨질 때, 많은 사람들은 느리고 멍청하다고 느끼는 것이 당연한 일입니다. 하지만, 학습 능력이 떨어지는 것은 교육 기회가 제대로 주어지지 않았기 때문입니다. 전문 교사로서 학습 방법을 찾고 있는 분들에게, 안전망 구축과 연결, 그리고 최상의 표면을 만들어 정보를 추가할 수 있는 방법을 추천합니다. 이를 위해, 학습의 네 가지 주요 단계 중 처음 두 단계를 수행하는 것이 가장 중요하다고 생각합니다.

학습을 위해 가장 먼저 내게 물어봐야 할 질문은 "지금 우리가 무엇을 이야기하고 있는가?"입니다. 안전망을 구축하고 무언가를 배우기 위해 가장 중요한 것은 내가 배우려는 것의 한계와 연관성을 이해하는 것입니다. 내가 이미 알고 있는 것과 새로운 것을 연결하는 것이 빠른 학습을 돕습니다.

무언가를 배울 때는 주변과 맥락에 초점을 맞추는 것이 중요합니다. 세부 사항에 대한 고민보다는 기초적인 것에 집중해야합니다. 1단계 안전망을 만들기 위해 핵심 골격에 집중하는 것이 효과적입니다. 기본적인 것이 무엇인지 항상 염두에 두고 배우는 것이 좋습니다.

핵심 기본 사항을 찾고 분리하는 가장 쉬운 방법은 전문가와 이야기하는 것입니다.
또한, CuriosityStream(https://curiositystream.com)과 네뷸라(https://nebula.tv)를 추천하며 이를 통해 온라인 학습에 도움이 될 수 있습니다.




[ 한글 전체 ]

학습 방법을 아는 것이 핵심적인 삶의 기술로 여겨지지만 실제로는 아무도 가르쳐주지 않는 경우,
그리고 사물을 이해하는 속도가 지능의 척도로 여겨질 때,
많은 사람들이 자신이 멍청하고 느리고 똑똑하지 않다고 느끼는 것은 당연한 일입니다.
평생 끔찍한 교육만 받았다고 해도
학습 능력이 떨어지거나 학습 속도가 느리다고 단언할 수 없는 이유는
실제로 제대로 된 기회가 주어지지 않았기 때문입니다. 그리고 저는 전문 교사도, 상상을 초월하는
상상의 여지없이 선생님이지만, 매우 산만 해져야했던 사람으로서
인생과 의과 대학을 통해 저는 누군가에게 무언가를 매우 빠르게 가르쳐야하는
누군가에게 무언가를 매우 빠르게 가르쳐야 하는 경험이 꽤 있습니다. 그래서 여러분도 새로운 학습 방법을 찾고 계시다면
그리고 어떤 이유로든 속도에 최적화하고 싶고 여러분의 두뇌가 저처럼 작동한다면,
저에게 효과가 있는 방법과 제가 무언가를 개념화하고 스스로 가르치고 정보를 생각하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.
가능한 한 빨리 일을 처리하는 데 최적화된 방식으로요. 바로 본론으로 들어가 보겠습니다.
이제 제 학습에는 네 가지 주요 단계가 있는데, 그 중 처음 두 단계는 거의 보이지 않습니다.
많은 사람들이 이 단계를 수행하지 않고, 제가 이 단계를 수행한다는 사실을 깨닫지 못하며, 3단계나 4단계에 도달하면
3 단계 또는 4 단계에서 나를 잡으면 그들은 오 마이 갓 그녀가 너무 빨리 배우는 것이 아니라고 생각합니다.
제가 매번 하는 처음 두 단계를 하지 않았기 때문이죠. 그래서 저는 바로
바로 시작하겠습니다. 처음 두 단계가 가장 중요하다고 생각해요. 그래서 첫 번째
안전망 구축입니다. 여기서 저는 감정, 한계, 의미, 그리고 제가 배워야 할 모든 것에 대한
제가 배워야 할 모든 것에 대한 연결, 그리고 그것을 위해 제 머릿속에 특정한 공간을 만듭니다.
가장 기본적인 것을 이해하고 그것이 다른 모든 것과 어떻게 연결되는지 이해하는 곳입니다.
나중에 정보를 추가할 수 있도록 최상의 표면을 만들고 준비합니다.
이 작업을 수행하는 방법과 그 이유를 자세히 설명하겠습니다. 기본적으로 저는 제 인생에서 많은 것을 배웠고
학습이 얼마나 빠르거나 느릴 수 있는지, 언제 효과적이고 비효율적인지 봐왔기 때문입니다.
그리고 제가 지금까지 본 것 중 가장 빠르고 효과적인 학습은 실제로 의사의 진료실에서 일어났습니다.
사무실. 하지만 아주 유능한 의사가 2, 3분 만에 환자들에게
환자에게 전혀 몰랐던 의학적 상태에 대한 완전한 집중 과정을 제공합니다.
그 질환에 대한 모든 것을 이해할 수 있게 됩니다. 천식에 대해 전혀 몰랐을 수도 있습니다.
천식에 대해 전혀 몰랐을 수도 있지만, 진료실을 나서면 천식이 무엇인지 알게 됩니다,
왜 천식이 있는지, 천식이 자신에게 어떤 영향을 미치는지, 어떻게 해야 하는지, 어떤 약을 복용해야 하는지,
약을 복용하는 방법, 무엇이 잘못 될 수 있는지, 잘못되었을 때 어떻게해야하는지,
문제가 발생하면 어디로 가야하는지, 어떤 추가 검사가 필요할 수 있는지,
관련된 다른 전문가는 누구인지. 완전히 정신이 나간 것 같고 다음과 같은 것을 볼 수 있습니다.
3분 이내에 환자는 기본적으로 자신의 임상 상태에 대해 저보다 더 많이 이해합니다.
생리학, 해부학 등을 전공한 의대생으로서 알고 있는 것보다 더 많은 것을 이해합니다.
그래서 정말 놀랍습니다. 제가 본 것 중 최고의 교육은 의사가 환자에게 가르치는 것입니다.
환자에게 가르치는 것입니다. 그래서 저는 여기서 일어나는 일에 많은 관심을 기울이고
이 교육과 학습을 매우 효과적으로 만드는 요소가 무엇인지, 그리고 어떻게 제가 직접 구현할 수 있는지
그리고 이것이 제가 내린 결론이자 제가 생각하는 방법입니다. 기본적으로 제가 안전할 때
무언가를 배우려고 할 때 가장 먼저 스스로에게 물어볼 질문들을
내가 스스로에게 물어볼 질문은 우리가 지금 무슨 이야기를 하고 있는가? 가장 간단한 핵심은
예를 들어 역학 및 물리학에 대해 가능한 용어는 물체가 공간에서 어떻게 움직이는 지에 관한 것입니다.
이것이 바로 핵심입니다. 그래서 이 문장을 말하는 것만으로도 이미
이미 내 마음속에 존재하는 것들과 이미 존재하는 정보에서 그림을 그릴 수 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
물리학의 섹션이 있어야 할 곳에 끼워 넣을 수 있습니다. 의학도 마찬가지입니다.
조건, 편집과 같은 기술도 마찬가지입니다. 저는 제가 여기서 무엇을 하고 있는지
내가 여기서 무엇을 하고 있는가? 내가 무엇을 성취하고 무엇을 배우고 있는가? 그런 다음 이 일이 왜 중요한지, 실제로 얼마나 중요한지
왜 중요한지, 실제로 얼마나 중요한지 알아보고 싶어요. 의학에서 안전망을 구축할 때도 마찬가지입니다.
환자에게 약을 먹지 않으면 이런 일이 일어난다, 약을 건너뛰면 이런 일이 일어난다, 약을 먹지 않으면 이런 일이 일어난다.
상황이 나빠지면 이런 일이 발생하고 이런 일이 발생합니다. 
그래서 저는 아무것도 모르는 상태에서
모든 것을 알고 싶어요. 이것이 얼마나 중요한가요? 이것은 무엇에 사용되며 얼마나
얼마나 중요한가요? 그래야 마음속으로 중요도를 매기고 그에 따라
그에 따라 할당할 수 있습니다. 다음으로 안전망을 구축하고 무언가를 배우기 위해 준비하는 데 있어 가장 중요한 단계 중 하나는
가장 중요한 단계 중 하나는 내가 배우려는 것의 한계와 연관성을 이해하는 것입니다.
이해하는 것입니다. 예를 들어 새로운 앱의 사용법을 배우려고 한다면
이 앱의 전문가가 되었을 때 내가 할 수 있는 일과 전문가가 되어도 할 수 없는 일을
전문가가 되어도 할 수 없는 것이 무엇인지 알아야 합니다. 예를 들어 파이널 컷 프로로 어떤 작업을 할 수 있는지 파악한 다음 다른 애니메이션이나
다른 애니메이션이나 다른 작업을 하고 싶으면 어떤 다른 앱을 사용해야 하나요? 이것은 제가 시작하기도 전에
시작하기도 전에 그 이유는 그것이 내 마음 속에있는 것들을 실제로 끌어 내고
개념을 정립하고 한 발짝 물러나서 이것이 제 머릿속에 어떻게 들어맞고
세상을 인식하는 데 도움이 되기 때문입니다. 저는 이미 알고 있는 것들, 이미 가지고 있는 욕망, 이미 가지고 있는
가지고 있는 것들, 이미 가지고 있는 욕구, 이미 사실이고 내 머릿속에 확립된 것들, 무에서 시작하기보다는
무에서 시작하는 것이 아니라. 그리고 이런 식으로 저는 사물을 기존의 생각과 연결하고 있습니다.
연결하고 있습니다. 그래서 이것은 또한 미래에 제가 이것에 대해 더 많이 배우려고 할 때
이 다른 앱과 연결되어 있거나 물리학의 이 공식이 수학의 이 분야에서
수학의 이 분야에서도 사용되기 때문에 기존의 정보를 활용할 수 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
새로운 것을 훨씬 더 빨리 배우는 데 도움이 될 것입니다. 저 스스로도 답을 찾고자 하는 질문
이 주제를 이해한 후 더 많은 지식을 얻으려면 어디로 가야 할까요? 이 지식과 관련된 분야의
이 지식과 관련된 분야의 전문가는 어떤 모습일까요? 이것은 무작위적인 질문처럼 보이지만
당신이 관련된 직업이나 직업에 이름을 붙이면 정말 정말 도움이됩니다.
무엇을 배우든 그 분야를 활용하고 고정하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.
이 일과 관련된 제 뇌의 다른 부분에 고정시키는 데 도움이 됩니다. 일단 이 일이 무엇에 관한 것인지
무엇에 관한 것인지, 왜 이걸 신경 써야 하는지, 얼마나 신경 써야 하는지,
이걸 배우면 무엇을 할 수 있는지, 이걸 배우면 여전히 무엇을 할 수 없는지,
이 분야의 전문가가 어떻게 생겼는지, 더 많은 정보를 얻거나 더 많은 전문가가되기 위해 어디로 갈 수 있는지.
이 분야의 전문가로서 저는 매우 강력한 안전망과 매우 강력한 메시를 가지고 있습니다.
이 정보가 어디에 앉을 것인지에 대한 두뇌와 바로이 핵심에 대해 이미
이것은 기본적으로 아이에게 사물을 설명하는 파인만 기법과 비슷합니다.
하지만 그 이상입니다.
기본적으로 주변과 맥락에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.
주변과 맥락에 초점을 맞추고 있기 때문에 세부 사항을 보지 않고 배우려고하는 것
세부 사항에는 신경 쓰지 않고 세부 사항을위한 공간을 만들고 싶습니다.
거기. 이제 실시간으로 학습할 때 제가 안전망을 만드는 방식은 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.
제가 어떤 주제에 대한 강의를 듣고 있다면 그 강의 중에는 필기를 하지 않습니다.
아무것도 적지 않고 그냥 앉아서 그 사람이 말하는 것을 듣고 노력하고 있습니다.
본질적으로 그들이 말하고자하는 요점의 핵심 골격이 무엇인지에 집중합니다.
종종 강사는 상황을 맥락에 맞추는 데 너무 능숙하지 않기 때문에이 작업을 직접 수행해야합니다.
저는 앉아있지만 아주 기본적인 것들에 집중하고 있기 때문에 강의를 할 때
아마 제가 멍청해 보이는 질문을 하는 걸 보게 될 겁니다.
내가 틀렸다면 당신이 실제로 의미하는 바는 이것이 발생하면 이것이 발생한다는 것입니다.
발생하거나 신경 발달 때문에 갑상선이 중요하다고 말하는 것입니다.
정말 기본적인 질문처럼 들리지만 이것은 내가 일을 유지하고 싶은 수준입니다.
내가 배울 때 내 시간 투자는 바로이 핵심에 들어가기 때문에 이러한 기초가 없으면
누락되면 어떤 종류의 세부 사항도 앉을 곳이 없어 훨씬 더 빨리 잊혀 질 수 있습니다.
저는 기본으로 돌아가야 합니다. 왜냐하면 저는 사물을 서로 연결할 수 없지만 창조 할 수 없기 때문입니다.
이 강력한 기초는 모든 것이 제자리를 차지한다는 것을 의미합니다. 저는 실제로 훨씬 더 힘을 얻었습니다.
환자가 자신의 임상 상태를 정말로 이해하는 방식으로 사물을 이해하는 데 훨씬 더 많은 힘을 얻었습니다.
해부학이나 생리학을 몰라도 사물을 더 잘 이해할 수 있습니다.
사물을 개념화하고 프레임 워크를 이해하면서도 여전히 그들이하는 일에 매우 효과적 일 수 있습니다.
그렇게하려고 노력하는 것이 제가 처음에하는 일입니다 1 단계 안전망 이것은 무엇에 관한 것이며 무엇에 관한 것입니다.
내 마음 속에있는 것들과 어떻게 연결되는 것이 얼마나 중요한지 의미합니까?
감정적 인 것들로부터 내가 내 뇌에서 만들고있는 안전망이 내 마음의 일부를 촉발한다면
예를 들어 내가 부당하다고 생각하는 것들 또는 내가 해결하지 못한 것들과 관련된 마음
과거에 또는 내가 진정으로 매우 투자하고 호기심이 많은 것들이 이것에 추가 될 수 있습니다.
에너지와 집중력, 주의력, 따라서 내가 처리 할 수있는 속도
그래서 저는이 감정적 요소가 제가 얼마나 효과적으로 할 수 있는지에 더해 졌다고 생각합니다.
사물을 배우고 얼마나 빨리 배울 수 있는지, 그리고 이것은 제가 생각하는 두 번째 단계로 이어집니다.
또한 똑같이 매우 과소 평가되었으며 이것은 핵심 기본 사항에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.
너무 간단해서 사람들이 언급조차 하지 않는 적용 가능한 규칙입니다.
그들은 우리가 그들을 알고 있거나 고등학교에서 배웠거나 매우 오래 전에 배웠다고 가정하기 때문입니다.
오래 전 또는 강의 나 의사 또는 전문가들이 사용하는 빵과 버터이기 때문입니다.
전문가들은 사람들이 이러한 기본적인 것들을 모를 수도 있다는 생각조차하지 않습니다.
바늘을 가장 많이 움직이는 이유입니다.  
제가 핵심 기본에 집중하는 이유는 다음과 같습니다.
이것이 사람들이 빨리 배우는 데 도움이되는 것임을 아주 일찍 깨달았 기 때문입니다.
예를 들어 어렸을 때 잠시 음악 학교에 다녔는데 사람들이
이미 하나의 악기를 알고있는 사람들은 아는 사람들보다 새로운 악기를 배우는 데 훨씬 더 능숙했습니다.
전혀 없었기 때문에 바이올리니스트였던 사람이 피아노를 한 번도 만져 본 적이 없었음에도 불구하고
음악이 어떻게 작동하는지 알고 있고 음표를 읽는 방법을 알고 있기 때문에 분명히 피아노를 배우는 데 훨씬 빠릅니다.
음표를 읽는 방법과 타이밍과 리듬의 기본에 대한 좋은 개념화를 가지고 있습니다.
이 두 악기가 상당히 다르지만이 사람에게 큰 도움이됩니다.
당신이 기계공이라면 같은 방식으로 핵심 기본 사항을 잘 이해하고 있기 때문에 우위를 점합니다.
예를 들어, 그 사람이 냉장고를 고치는 법을 배우는 것이 다른 사람보다 훨씬 쉽습니다.
전기와 같은 것들의 기본을 이해하고 있기 때문에 이것에 대해 아무것도 모릅니다.
그리고 조작하는 방법과 배우기 위해 필요한 작은 기술적 인 것들을 이해합니다.
이 작업은 어렸을 때부터 매우 핵심적인 기본 사항에 매우 자주 집착했습니다.
이것은 내가 많은 시간을 보냈고 여전히이 작업을 수행 할 때 새로운 것을 시작할 때마다
내가 배워야 할 과목이나 새로운 것을 배울 때마다 내 마음은 즉시 여기에 기본적인 것이 무엇인지 간다.
예를 들어 저는 지금 대학에서 소아과를 공부하고 있는데 아이들에 관해서는
가장 중요한 것은 호흡이 가장 효과적이기 때문에 호흡이 가장 중요합니다.
소아과 폐 어린이에게 매우 중요한 호흡 문제 또는 나는 그것에 관해서는 잘 생각할 것입니다.
신장의 생리학 가장 중요한 것은 혈압을 조절한다는 것입니다.
어렸을 때 심장이 혈압을 조절한다고 생각했는데 신장이 아니기 때문에 이것입니다.
효과적으로 구축하기 위해 정말로 이해해야하는 매우 기본적인 것들.
여기저기서 배울 수있는 작은 것들이 있기 때문에 미래의 정보이지만 이것들이 없다면
핵심 필수 개념 진정한 정보를 구축하기가 매우 어려워 지므로 저는 정말 집중합니다.
이러한 것들은 제가 핵심 기본 사항을 찾고 분리하는 가장 쉬운 방법은 운이 좋으면
꽤 통찰력있는 전문가와 이야기 할 수있는 전문가가 있다면 나는 그들에게 빵과 버터가 무엇인지 물어볼 것입니다.
당신이하는 일이나 하루에 3-4 번 보는 임상 상태는 무엇입니까?
하루 또는 매주 빠짐없이하는 일이 무엇인지, 그리고 내가 접근 할 수없는 경우
이런 종류의 것들은 전문가가 무엇을 위해 그렇게하고 있는지 판단하는 데 매우 능숙 해집니다.
예를 들어 제가 좋은 비디오 편집자가되기 위해 저는 어떤 것도 접근 할 수 없었습니다.
많은 YouTube 동영상을보고 전문가를 식별하는이 작은 것들이 무엇인지 찾아보세요.
비전문가의 편집자이고 그것은 이상한 작은 애니메이션이되는 경향이 없습니다.
종종 그들의 컷이 얼마나 빡빡한 지 그래서 그것은 일종의 움직이는 것들이 무엇인지 깨닫는 것입니다.
바늘이 가장 중요하고 이러한 것들을 얼마나 빨리 파악할 수 있는지 집중하는 데 많은 시간을 할애 할 것입니다.
예를 들어 수학에서 공식을 배우고 새로운 장을 배우면 수학의 기본에
기하학 나는 새로운 공식을 배우지 않을 것이지만 이미 알고있는 공식을 사용하려고합니다.
새로운 공식이 필요하기 때문에 종종 할 수없는 것을 알고 있지만 기본적으로 이해합니다.
내가 이미 가지고있는 정보의 한계는 무엇에 사용할 수 있는지 사용할 수없는 것입니다.
그래서 저는 정말 강력한 핵심 기초를 염두에두고 무언가를 구축 할 수있는 매우 강력한 도구 상자를 가지고 있습니다.
그리고 저는 매우 핵심적인 기본 언어 이해와 모든 종류의 틈새 시장에 대한 친숙 함을 가지고 있습니다.
내가 배우려고하는 것은 내가하려는 일에 엄청난 종류의 다리를 제공합니다.
모든 극단적 인 것들 또는 모든 복잡한 것들을 알지 못해도 이것이 처음 두 가지입니다.
제가 어떤 학습을 할 때 가장 중요한 단계는 앉아서 이것이 무엇에 관한 것인지 생각하고
그리고 내 뇌의 어디에 이 슬롯이 있고 가장 쉬운 것들과 가장 중요한 것들은 무엇일까요?
내가 먼저 이해할 수있는 이것에 대해 배울 수 있고 학습에 매우 참을성이 없어지면서
이런 것들은 내가 그 물건에 대해 훨씬 더 친숙해집니다.
이제 막 배우려고 하는데요.
나중에이 정보를 기반으로 구축 할 수있는 매우 좋은 위치에 있으므로 대부분의 사람들이 3 단계가되는 곳입니다.
저를보고 세상에 너무 빠르다고 생각하지만 그것은 3 단계에서 막 시작했기 때문입니다.
저는 1단계와 2단계를 완료했기 때문에 이 모든 정보를 가지고 나머지 분류로 들어갑니다.
저에게는 관리자와 당신에게 좋은 두 그룹으로 나뉘므로 기본적으로 언제든지
나는 책이나 배울 것에 접근하고 있습니다. 나는 모든 정보를 다음과 같이 나눌 것입니다.
다른 그룹이므로 먼저 일종의 백본과 골격 인 안전망이 될 것입니다.
두 번째 그룹은 핵심 기본 사항입니다. 가능한 한 빨리 이해해야하는 것들입니다.
다른 일을하기 전에 세 번째 그룹은 관리자이고 이것은 사람에 따라 다르지만 알고 있습니다.
개념을 찾는 동안 새로운 단어와 숫자 등을 배우는 데 정말 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.
배우기 매우 쉽기 때문에 모든 단어와 숫자를 빨리 배우려고하면 그냥 말할 것입니다.
이것은 관리자이고 나중에 배울 것이고 그들이 나를 붙잡지 못하게 할 것이지만 나는 배우는 데 집중할 것입니다.
나는 질병이나 상태와 같은 전체를 공부할 수있는 사람이고 나는 알 것이기 때문에 논리
그것에 대한 모든 것을 알지만 그것이 무엇인지 말할 수 없으므로이 이름을 넣을 것입니다.
의 관리자 카테고리에서 나중에 시간이있을 때나 중요 할 때 이것을 배울 것입니다.
그것이 나를 방해하지 않도록하지 않을 것이므로 당신을 방해하는 작은 것이 있으면
관리자 카테고리와 마지막으로 당신에게 좋은 카테고리이며 이것이 들리는 것들입니다.
말하기는 나쁘지만 관련이없는 것은 거의 대부분의 경우 전혀 중요하지 않습니다.
그리고 당신은 그들에게 관심이없고 이것들은 당신에게 좋은 카테고리에 들어가기 때문에
중요하지 않고 관련성이 없지만 매우 호기심이 많고 관심이 있습니다.
어쨌든 나는 그것들을 배울 것이고 그들은 관리자 또는 핵심 기본이되지만 일종의 것들은
관련없는 나는 사람들이 그들을 알아도 상관없고 나는 기본적으로 신경 쓰지 않고 그들은 단지
모든 분야가 완전히 끝이 없기 때문에이 범주에 속하므로 확실히 갈 것입니다.
거기에 들어가는 엄청난 양의 물건이있을 것이므로 내가 접근 할 때마다이 작업을 수행하면
속독을 사용하여 스캔 할 수있는 정보 실제로 속독 방법에 대한 비디오가 있습니다.
어딘가에 속독으로 모든 것을 훑어보고이 범주에 슬롯을 넣습니다.
자동으로 안전망을 만드는 실제 학습을 시작할 수 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
핵심 기본 사항을 만들고이를 설정 한 다음 관리자에게 집중하고 이러한 것들을 구축합니다.
꽤 빨리 그리고 당신에게 좋은 것들은 내가 신경 쓰지 않을 수도 있습니다.
내가 배우려는 주제에 대한 내 관심사가 어떻게 다른지에 따라 친숙하거나 그렇지 않습니다.
제가 생각하는 빠른 학습자처럼 보이고 제 자신에게 권한을 부여하고 사물을 분류하는 방법입니다.
이런 식으로 이것에도 필수적인 것은 점프 학습과 전략적 익사의 개념입니다.
시간을 낭비하지 않기 위해 공유 할 다른 비디오에서 자세히 설명하겠습니다.
기본적으로 나는 그들이 나에게 주어진 순서대로 공부하지 않는다는 것입니다.
내 관심은 매우 제한된 자원이기 때문에 내가 관심있는 순서대로
주어진 순서대로 일을 겪고 있지만 관심이 없습니다.
아주 빨리 멈춰야 할 정도로 내 동기와주의를 불 태우고 있습니다.
그러나 내가 어디로 가든 가고 있기 때문에 동기 부여와주의를 유지하면 항상 최대 수준으로 유지됩니다.
최대 수준에서 비선형적인 방식으로 배우지 만 피곤할 때만 멈출 것입니다.
내 동기가 다 떨어졌을 때 멈추지 않고 그런 식으로 거의 그렇게하지 않기 때문입니다.
1장에서 시작해서 9장, 7장, 8장, 3장으로 넘어갈 수도 있습니다,
챕터 2, 챕터 5, 상관없어요. 저는 제게 맞는 방식으로 앞뒤로 왔다 갔다 하거든요.
제게는 핵심 기본이 있고 기초가 매우 견고하기 때문에 매우 쉽습니다.
저와 함께 핵심 기본 사항 만 있으면 책의 어느 장에나 접근 할 수 있고
대부분의 경우 이러한 것들이 어디에 슬롯이 있고 어디에 들어갈 지 알고 있기 때문에 여전히 의미가 있습니다.
그래서 이것이 제가 머릿속에 정리하는 방법입니다. 이제 마지막으로
이 비디오에서 확장하고 싶은 것은 좋은 핵심 기본 사항을 찾을 수있는 곳입니다.
제가 상당히 실망스러워하는 부분입니다. 저는 사람들이 전체 책을 쓰거나 전체 코스가 있었으면 좋겠어요.
배우려는 모든 분야에서 가장 필수적인 기본적인 것들에 대한 전체 강좌가 있었으면 좋겠어요.
왜냐하면 그것들은 삶을 훨씬 더 쉽게 만들 것이기 때문이지만 나는 그것들을 자주 찾지 못하고 내가 자주 사용하는 해킹의 종류는
매우 자주 사용하는 것은 내 핵심에 정말로 도전하는 매우 진보 된 것들을 보는 것입니다.
기본 또는 그들은 그것을 가정합니다. 
저는 핵심적인 기초를 아주 잘 알고 있는 수준입니다.
예를 들어 고등학교 때 생물학에 대한 대학 강의를 많이 보곤 했어요.
생물학적 주제 나 정말 고급 다큐멘터리를 보곤했습니다.
거기에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 세부 사항을 기억하는 세부 사항에 대해서는 신경 쓰지 않았습니다.
매우 높은 수준의 기본 공식 또는 생물학 및 생리학에 대한 기본 지식 그것은 내 것을 의미했습니다.
이러한 것들에 대한 지식은 매우 잘 확립되어이 비디오와 매우 관련이 있습니다.
매우 친절하게 후원하고있는 CuriosityStream과 이것은 많은 주제에 대한 다큐멘터리가있는 웹 사이트입니다.
많은 주제에 대한 다큐멘터리가 있습니다. 저는 의학과 유전학에 관한 다큐멘터리를 꽤 많이 봤는데요.
의학 및 유전학에 대한 지식을 쌓을 수 있는 완벽한 방법입니다. 이제
제가 집중력이 낮은 분들을 위해 CuriosityStream을 적극 추천하는 이유는
다큐멘터리뿐만 아니라 전체 장비에 대한 단 한 번의 테이크아웃 가격으로
저와 같은 교육용 크리에이터가 동영상을 게시하는 네뷸라에 접속할 수 있기 때문입니다.
동영상을 게시할 수 있습니다. 네뷸라는 알고리즘조차 없는 플랫폼입니다.
그래서 그곳에 가면 최소한의 방해 요소로 내가 원하는 것을 볼 수 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
산만 함이 매우 효과적이라고 생각하므로 두 가지 모두에 액세스 할 수 있습니다.
온라인 학습에 좋은 동반자가되기를 바랍니다. 아마도 당신과 나 모두 많은 일을 할 것입니다.
현재 인터넷에서 온라인 학습. 이 두 가지 리소스는 제가 가르치는 데 완벽한 동반자라는 것을 알았습니다.
제 설명에 링크가 있으니 확인해보시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
지금까지 이 시간을 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다.
멋진 하루 되세요. 자신과 타인에게 친절하게 대하고 자신이 생각하는 모든 것을 믿지 마세요.
감사합니다. 안녕히 가세요!




[ English Summary ]

Knowing how to learn is an important life skill, but it's often not taught. And when the speed at which you understand things is considered a measure of intelligence, it's no wonder that many people feel slow and stupid. However, our inability to learn is often due to a lack of educational opportunities. As a professional teacher, I recommend building safety nets, making connections, and creating the best surface for information to be added. To do this, I believe it is most important to take the first two of the four main steps in learning.

The first question I ask myself in order to learn is "What are we talking about?". To build a safety net and learn something, the most important thing is to understand the limits and relevance of what I'm trying to learn. Making connections between what I already know and what's new helps me learn quickly.

When learning something, it's important to focus on your surroundings and context. You should focus on the basics rather than get lost in the details. It's effective to focus on the core skeleton to create a first-level safety net. It's always a good idea to keep in mind what the basics are.

The easiest way to find and isolate the core fundamentals is to talk to experts.
We also recommend CuriosityStream (https://curiositystream.com) and Nebula (https://nebula.tv), which can help you learn online.

[ English Full Text ]

When knowing how to learn is considered a core life skill that no one's actually willing to teach,
and when the speed at which you grasp things is considered to be a measure of your intelligence,
it's no wonder that so many of us are left feeling that we are stupid and slow and unintelligent.
When I truly believe that if you've only ever had terrible teaching your whole life,
you can't say for sure that you are a bad learner or a slow learner because you've
never actually been given a proper chance at this. And I'm definitely not an expert teacher or a
teacher by any stretch of the imagination, but as someone who has had to get a very distractible
brain through life and medical school, I do have quite a bit of experience with having
to teach things to someone very fast. And so if you're also looking into new learning methods
and if for whatever reason you want to optimize for speed and your brain works like mine,
here's what works for me and how I conceptualize and teach myself things and think of information
in a way that optimizes for doing things as fast as possible. Let's just get straight into it.
Now there are four main steps in my learning, the first two of which are almost invisible because
I think not a lot of people do them, not a lot of people realize that I do them, and when they catch
me in step three or step four, they think oh my god she's so fast at learning when it's not the
same because they haven't done the first two steps that I keep doing every time. So I'm going to jump
straight into them. These two first ones I think are the absolute most important. So the very first
I call safety netting. This is where I focus on things like emotions, limits, implications, and
connections for everything that I'm due to learn, and I create a specific space in my brain for that
thing where I understand the very very basics of it and how it connects to everything else in a way
that creates the best surface and priming for me to be able to add information on later.
And I'm going to explain how I do this in detail and why. Basically I've observed a lot of learning
in my life and I've kind of seen how fast or slow it can be and when it is effective and ineffective
and the fastest most effective learning I have ever seen in my life actually happens in the doctor's
office. But what happens is that you can see a very good doctor in two or three minutes give a
patient a complete crash course in a medical condition that they knew nothing about and they
just become so empowered in understanding everything about it. They might not have known
anything about asthma before they walked into the office, but once they leave they know what it is,
why they might have it, how it affects them, what to do with it, what medications to take,
how to take those medications, what might go wrong, what to do when those things go wrong,
where to go when those things go wrong, what further testing might be needed,
who the other specialties that are involved are. It's just completely insane and you see these
patients within three minutes basically understand more about their clinical condition than I sometimes
know as a medical student with a foundation in physiology and anatomy and all of that stuff.
So it's absolutely incredible. This is the best teaching that I have ever seen is doctors teaching
things to patients. And so I've paid a lot of attention to what happens here and I've tried
to isolate what are the elements that make this teaching and learning so effective and how I can
implement them for myself and this is the conclusion and what I think I do. Basically when I'm safety
netting something so at the very first instance when I'm trying to learn something the questions
that I'm going to ask myself are what are we talking about? At the very very core in the simplest
terms possible for example mechanics and physics is about how bodies move in space and this is the
essential thing like the very very core where this sits. So already just by saying this sentence
I know that I can draw from things that already exist in my mind and information that is already
there and I can slot the section of physics where it's supposed to be. The same thing with medical
conditions, the same thing with skills like editing. I really want to create a space on what am I
doing here? What am I achieving and what am I learning? Then I want to go on and see why this
thing is important and how important is it actually? And the same thing when we safety net in medicine
retell a patient well if you don't take the medication this is what happens, if you skip it
this is what happens, if things are bad this is what happens. So I want to have a good measure from
knowing nothing to knowing everything. How important is this? What's this used for and how
important are those things? So I can assign it a level of importance in my mind and therefore
allocate it accordingly. Next one of the most important steps in safety netting and preparing
myself to learn something is understanding the limitations and the connections of what I'm about
to learn. And what I mean by this is that for example if I'm learning to use a new app I need
to know what I can do when I become an expert at using this and what I cannot do even when I'm an
expert at this thing. So for example I know with Final Cut Pro what things I can do and then if I
want to do other animations or other things what other app do I need to use? This is before I've
even started and the reason for this is that it really draws upon things that are in my mind and
really helps me conceptualize and step back and really really see how this fits in my brain and
in my perception of the world. I'm drawing upon things that I already know, desires I already
have, needs I already have, things that are already true and established in my brain rather than
starting on a foundation of nothing. And in this way I'm also connecting things with pre-existing
thoughts in my brain. So this also means that in the future when I'm about to learn more about this
thing I know that because it's connected to this other app or because this formula in physics is
also used in this field in mathematics I know that I can draw on pre-existing information
which will then help me learn new things a lot faster. Questions I also look to answer for myself
is where do I need to go for further knowledge on this topic once I grasp it? What does an
expert in the field involved in this knowledge look like? This seems like a random one but it
really really helps if you put a name to the career or the profession that are involved in
whatever you are learning it can still then help draw upon those fields and anchor it to
different parts of my brain that are associated with this thing. Once I've established what this
thing is about, why I should care about this thing, how much I should care about this thing,
what I can do once I learn this thing, what I still can't do once I learn this thing,
what an expert in this field looks like and where I can go to get more information or become more
of an expert in this field I kind of have a very strong safety net and a very strong mesh in my
brain already about where this information is going to start sitting and this very very core
thing is kind of similar to the Feynman technique which is basically explaining things to a child
but it goes above and beyond that. It's basically focusing on the periphery and on the context of
the thing that we're about to learn without ever looking at the specifics themselves because I
don't care about the specifics yet I want to create a space for the specifics rather than starting
there. Now when I am learning in real time the way that I create the safety net is that for example
if I'm sitting in a lecture on a topic I never take notes during that lecture I'm not writing
anything down I'm just sitting down and listening to what the person is saying and trying to
essentially focus on what the core skeleton of the point that they're trying to make is and very
often lecturers are not too good at putting things in context so I have to do this work myself while
I'm sitting down but I'm just focusing on the very basic things which is why when I'm in a lecture
you'll probably see me ask seemingly stupid questions of the sort of so what we're talking
about is or so correctly if I'm wrong what you actually mean is that if this happens then this
happens or you're saying that the thyroid is important because of neural development this
sounds like a really basic question but this is the level that I want to keep things and a lot of
my time investment when I'm learning goes in this very very very core because if these foundations
are missing then any sort of details will have nowhere to sit can be forgotten a lot faster
I'll have to go back to the basics because I can't connect things with one another but creating
this strong foundation means that everything has its own place I'm much more empowered in actually
understanding things the way that a patient really really understands their clinical condition
even though they don't need to know the anatomy and the physiology of things they're better able
to understand conceptualize and framework things and still be highly effective in what they're
trying to do so this is what I do in the beginning step one safety net what is this about and what
does it mean how important is it how does it connect to things in my mind hopefully I can draw
from emotional things so if safety nets that I'm creating in my brain kind of trigger parts of my
mind that have to do with for example things that I think are unjust or things that I have not resolved
in the past or things that I am genuinely very invested and curious about this can add to the
energy and the focus and the attention and therefore the speed with which I'm able to process
information in the future so I think this emotional component really adds to how effectively I can
learn things and how fast I can learn things and this leads me to my second step which I think is
also equally very underrated and this is focusing on the core basics what I mean by the core basics
are the applicable rules that are so so simple that very often people won't even mention them
because they'll assume that we've known them or learnt them in high school or learnt them a very
long time ago or because they are just the bread and butter that people in lectures or doctors or
professionals use they don't even consider that people might not know these basic things but these
are the things that move the needle the most the reason I focus on core basics is because I've
realised very early on in life that these were the things that helped people learn fast so for
example I went to a music school when I was younger for a while and I could see that people who
already knew one musical instrument were so much better at learning a new one than people who knew
none at all so even though someone who was a violinist had never touched a piano before they'd be
so much faster at learning the piano obviously because they know how music works and they know
how to read notes and they have a good conceptualisation of the basics of timing and rhythm at all of
these things so even though these two instruments are quite different it gives this person a big
upper hand because they have a good grasp of the core basics in the same way if you are a mechanic
for example it's a lot easier for that person to learn to fix fridges than it is for someone else who
doesn't know anything about this because they understand the very basics of things like electricity
and how to do maneuvers and the little technical things that they might need in order to learn
this task so I was very often obsessed since I was younger with very very core basic things and
this is again where I spent a lot of my time and when I still do this so whenever I start a new
subject or a new thing that I need to learn my mind immediately goes what is the basic thing here
so for example I'm studying pediatrics in university now and I know that when it comes to children
the most important thing is their breathing because that's the first thing that's effective so
pediatrics lungs very important breathing issues in children or I'll think well in when it comes to
physiology of the kidney the most important thing is it controls blood pressure which when I was
younger I thought that the heart controlled blood pressure it doesn't it's the kidney so it's these
very basic things that you really need to have a strong grasp on in order to effectively build
information in the future because small things you can learn here and there but unless you have these
core essential concepts it becomes very difficult to build true information so I really focus on
these things the easiest way that I find and isolate the core basics are if I'm lucky to have
an expert who I can talk to who's quite insightful I will ask them what's the bread and butter of
the things that you do or what are the clinical conditions that you see three to four times a
day or what's something that you do every single week without fail and if I don't have access to
these sorts of things I become very good at judging experts at what they're doing so for
example in order for me to become a good video editor I didn't have access to any I would just
look at a lot of YouTube videos and go what are these small things that really identify a professional
editor from a non-professional one and that doesn't tend to be weird little animation things it very
often is how tight is their a cut so it's kind of realizing what are the things that move the
needle the most and how quickly can I grasp these things I then will spend a lot of time focusing
on the basics for example in maths if I learn a formula and then I learn a new chapter in
geometry I'm not going to learn the new formulas yet I'm going to try and use the ones that I already
know which very often I can't do because I need the new formulas but basically then I also understand
the limits of the information that I already have what it can be used what it cannot be used for
so I have these really strong core basics in mind and a very strong toolbox on which to build things
and I have a very core basic language understanding and familiarity with whatever kind of niche and
thing I'm trying to learn which gives me a huge kind of leg up in what I'm trying to do even
without knowing all of the extreme things or all of the complicated things these are the first two
most important steps that I do in any learning ever I sit down and I think what is this about
and where will this slot in my brain and what are the easiest things and the most important things
that I can learn about this that I can grasp first and as I become very impatient with learning
these things I then have a much stronger familiarity with the thing that I'm about to learn and I'm in
a very good position to then build on this information later so this is where step three most people
will see me and think oh my god she's so fast but that's because they're just starting at step three
I've done step one and two so with all of this information I go into the rest of the categorization
which for me falls into two more groups which are admin and good for you so basically whenever
I'm approaching a book or anything to learn I will kind of divide all of the information into
different groups so first will be the safety net which is kind of the backbone and the skeletal
logic the second group is the core basics these are things that I have to grasp as soon as possible
before I do anything else the third group is admin and this depends on the person but I know
that I really struggle learning new words and numbers and things like that while I find concepts
very easy to learn so if I'm trying to learn fast all of the words and the numbers I'll just say
this is admin I'll learn it later and I won't let them hold me back but I'll focus on learning the
logic because I'm the sort of person who can study a whole like disease or condition and I'll know
everything about it but I would not be able to tell you what it's called so I'll put this name of it
in the admin category of I'll learn this later when I have the time or when it's important but I'm
not going to let it hold me back so any small thing that holds you back I'd slot it in the
admin category and lastly is the good for you category and these are the things which it sounds
bad to say but are kind of not relevant are not important at all almost in most of the cases
and you're not interested in them and these go in the good for you category so there are things
that are kind of not important and not relevant but I'm very curious and interested in in which
case I will learn them anyway and they become admin or core basics but the things that are kind of
irrelevant I don't care about I don't mind if people know them and I don't basically and they just
fall into this category because any field is completely endless so there's definitely going
to be a huge amount of stuff that fall in there so once I do this thing every time that I'm approaching
information I can just scan through it using speed reading I actually have a video on how I speed read
somewhere I just scan through everything with speed reading and I slot it into these categories
automatically and then I know that I can start doing my actual learning which is create my safety net
create my core basics and establish those then focus on the admin and building on these things
quite fast and then the things that fall in the good for you I just don't care about I might be
familiar or not depending on how my interests vary in the topic that I am trying to learn and this
is how I appear to be a fast learner I think and how I kind of empower myself and categorize things
in this way also essential to this is the concept of jumpy learning and strategic drowning which
I talk about in detail in another video which I'll share just to not waste your time but that is
basically that I don't study things in the order that they are given to me I study things in the
order that I am interested in them because my attention is a very limited resource and if I
am going through things in the order that they are given but I'm not interested in them I am
burning through my motivation and my attention to the point that very quickly I'll have to stop
but if I preserve my motivation and my attention because I am going wherever it goes it always stays
at a maximum level and I will learn in a non-linear way but I will only stop when I'm tired rather
than stopping when my motivation runs out because it almost never does so in that way even though I
might start at chapter one go to chapter nine, chapter seven, chapter eight, chapter three,
chapter two, chapter five, it doesn't matter I'll jump back and forth in the way that makes sense
to me because I have the core basics and my foundation is very very solid it's very easy
with me to just have my core basics and then I'll be able to approach any chapter of the book and
it will still make sense because I know where these things will slot and fit in in the majority of
the cases so this is how I kind of organize things in my brain. Now the one last thing I
want to expand on in this video is where to find good core basics because I think this is something
that I find quite frustrating. I wish people wrote whole books or had full courses on just the very
basic things that are the most essential things in any sort of field that you're trying to learn
because they would make life a lot easier but I don't often find them and the kind of hack that I
use very often is that I go and look at very advanced things that really challenge my core
basics or they assume that I know the core basics to a level that they become very well established
so for example when I used to be in high school I used to watch a lot of university lectures on
biological topics or I used to watch documentaries that were really advanced I didn't really care
about the specifics of remembering the details of what's going on there but because they used
very high level basic formulas or basic knowledge on biology and physiology it then meant that my
knowledge of these things was established very very well and so very relevant to this video is
CuriosityStream which are very kindly sponsoring it and this is a website which has a whole bunch
of documentaries on so many topics. I've gone through quite a few in medicine and in genetics
and they are a perfect way of really really establishing your knowledge on these. Now the
reason I very goodlessly promote CuriosityStream for people with low attention spans for me is not
only for the documentaries but because for the price of just one takeaway for a whole gear
you also get access to Nebula which is where educational creators like myself post our videos
in a space that is completely ad-free. Nebula is a platform that doesn't even have an algorithm
and so when I go there I know that I am able to just watch the thing that I came for with minimal
distractions which I find is super super effective and so you can have access to both of them which
hopefully would be a good companion for your online learning probably both you and me do a lot of
online learning on the internet at the moment. I found these two resources to be a perfect companion
for myself teaching so there will be a link in my description if you want to check that out
but otherwise if you made it so far thank you so much for spending this time with me I hope you
have a wonderful rest of your day. Be kind to yourself and others and don't believe everything you think.
Thanks. Bye!


